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When is the Zest-it Lean Painting Medium used? At the start of a Traditional oil painting the Zest-it Lean Painting Medium is ideal to lay in the under-painting or foundation. It is a light thin medium with more solvent then oil and gives an excellent 'key' to further painting. The under-painting is often done with oil paint thinned with solvent only, this can sometimes fail due to the excessive use of solvent to thin the paint. The Lean Painting Medium saves that happening keeping the oil paint from becoming 'under-bound', following the 'fat over lean' principle and building a strong foundation for further work The Lean Painting Medium has a thin viscosity and a small amount goes a long way. Thin the desired oil paint as thin as ink, probably use Burnt Umber for speed of drying, sketch in the design and allow to dry. Thinning oil paint in the same can then be used to 'colour the ground', this is where this thinner paint is used to alter the white canvas to something more suitable. The Lean Painting Medium also makes an excellent media for Dry-brush Oil Painting, this is where very little, lightly thinned, oil paint is used like Graphite powder or Pencil on water colour paper.
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